About Steam Boiler
The boiler is rather considered to be a closed vessel where fluid or water gets heated under pressure. Then, this fluid gets circulated from the boiler to be used in different processes or to generate power. With regards to power generation, from the oil fried steam boiler, steam is derived at very high temperature and pressure.
A simple machined was designed in 200 B.C. by a Greek, where steam was generated within a vessel that was heated from below. The purpose was to rotate the wheel, which was achieved as the steam escaped via two small pipes that were kept diametrically opposite. It was referred to as A_elopile_.
Several significant developments have been achieved till date since 200 B.C. These days, steam boilers can be classified in different ways. Gas Fired Steam Boiler is classified under numerous categories. The purpose here is to produce steam. The way by which there is generating of steam and consumption tends to form the main category. Boiler application’s major two groups are power generation boilers and industrial steam generators. Boilers can be classified into water tube boilers and fire-tube boilers.
Fire tube boiler is said to have become almost extinct nowadays. But it can be classified as the following:
- Domestic use boilers
- Industrial boilers, used mainly for green projects requiring initial steam
- Locomotive boilers that once ruled rail transportation prior to the introduction of electric and diesel engine.
Water tube boilers gained prominence with increase in capacity and size. It is rather classified, based on the circulation type used to produce steam like:
- Zero circulation boilers or Super-critical pressure boilers
- Forced circulation boilers
- Natural circulation boilers
Based on the firing type adopted in boilers, it can be classified as:
- Incinerators
- Chemical recovery boilers
- Cyclone fired
- Fluidized bed boilers
- Down shot fired
- Pulverized coal fired
- Stoker fired
The stokers among these were predominantly used during the early high-capacity, high-pressure boiler days. However, fluidized bed boilers and pulverized coal fired boilers are slowly replacing them. Stoker boiler types are designed as well as used in a variety of applications, such as sugar industries, etc. On the other hand Gas Fired Steam Boiler and fluidized broilers are enjoying fast development. They are rather sub-classified as:
- Circulating-fluidized bed boilers
- Pressurized-fluidized bed boilers
- Bubbling-fluidized bed boilers
Higher capacity boilers mainly circulate fluidized bed boilers because of inherent limitations experienced in bubbling bed-boilers.
It is also possible to classify boilers depending on fuel type used:
- Biomass fired boilers
- industrial boiler (waste fired boiler)
- Multi-fuel fired
- Gas fired boilers
- Oil fired boilers
- Coal fired boilers
Designers use different kinds of arrangements when designing boilers to meet end requirements. Therefore, boilers are classified depending on the arrangement type like:
- Bottom supported
- Top supported boilers
- Field erected boilers
- Package boilers
- Drum type boilers
- Three drums, but not currently in use
- Bi-drum
- Single drum
- Two pass boilers
- Close coupled
- Single pass or tower type
Hence, boilers are classified into various types depending on firing type, construction type, fuel used, circulation type, steam application nature, firing system design type, etc. Steam generating systems of today owe their safety and dependability to over 125 years of rich experience. This is in the field of fabrication, design along with water tube boiler operation.
Investing in Industrial Fire Tube Boiler or another type of boiler should be based on specific industry requirements. Doing some research will help to identify the most appropriate boiler type for the business.