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4 ways to identify fake, scam or fraudulent website

In today’s digital age, people of all ages rely on various types of websites to seek crucial information or to shop for their favourite products/services. Unfortunately, there have emerged several sites that are created with the intention to scam people. These are fraudulent or fake, an aspect that cannot be neglected or avoided. The fact is that cybercrime is on the rise and criminals are searching for new ways and means to steal precious data and money in all forms. Hence, you need to know how to stay protected from such fraudulent sites and have a great browsing experience. You can check out idgod price on the portal.

5 effective ways to identify fake or fraudulent site

  • Connection security indicators: The address bar is undoubtedly an important feature having several connection indicators. It allows you to know if your connection is private. Anyone having domain knowledge can eavesdrop easily on internet connections. Communication carried out via HTTPO is actually sent in plaintext form. This can be stolen, manipulated or intercepted. Hence was developed SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) and later TLS (Transport Layer Security). HTTP combined with TLS forms HTTPS, considered to be HTTTP’s secure version.
  • URL: The fact is that many people tend to ignore their browser’s address bar, which is indeed a huge mistake. It contains lots of crucial information on the security level and your location. Hence, you need to glance occasionally at this place while visiting any new page. Most browsers adhere to ‘Line of Death’, which is never to trust anything that is below a particular point within the browser. Below this line, any attacker can get full control of everything. Therefore, you can refer to idgods to be aware of where to seek reliable information.

  • Certificate Details: It involves some in-depth knowledge of your browser’s menu. However not having much SSL knowledge can be misleading. In case, green address bar is not present on the site, then it means secure connection and no third party will be able to eavesdrop or steal crucial information. But this does not necessarily mean that your browsing session is completely safe. You can choose browsers like Firefox and Safari, where you can click the padlock icon present within the address bar to view the provided certificate. This allows you to get all crucial information verified by the CA before issuing the certificate.
  • Google Safe-Browsing Transparency report: It is considered to be a nice safeguard. This report allows you to copy-paste the URL within a field. This way, you can derive a report whether you will be able to trust the site or not. It may not boast about impressive aesthetics or be fancy. Rather, it can be termed to be an effective way for identifying if the site is safe or not. Safe Browsing service offered by Google is regarded to be the very best to avail of on the web.

With some information, you will be able to identify the bad and the best fake id websites.

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